Loan Approved for construction of Yangon-Dala bridge

Parliament has approved a soft loan of $138m from South Korea. The loan is for 40 years with an interest rate of 0.01% and according to sources no repayments will be made during the initial 15 years of the loan. This is a successful outcome following meetings in 2014 of the President of Myanmar when he visited South Korea. The total cost is estimated at $168m and the remaining funding will be sourced by the Myanmar Government. Yangon-Dala bridge will take five years to build and will be 6,144 ft in length.
Dala is on the Southern bank of the Yangon River across from downtown Yangon. The area has not seen much development. Access has only been via a ferry. The new bridge will link Phone Gyi Road, Landmadaw to Bo Min Yaung Road, Dala.


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