Further assistance and expertise from Denmark for Myanmar.

Denmark has released funds to assist Myanmar with “Responsible Industry Development” for the Garment and Fisheries Sectors in Myanmar.

Denmark has been an active and founder member of the International Labour Oranization (ILO) since 1919, whose aims include initiatives to assist “Human rights and democracy, Green growth, Social progress, Stability and protection”. Danida is the name for Denmark’s development cooperation, under the guidance of their Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Denmark has provided assistance to Myanmar in the past. Now, more aid has been authorised to assist the Fishing Industry in Myanmar over the next four years. This is also further acknowledgment of the democratic changes in Myanmar. The aims are to help the less fortunate in Myanmar, who rely on fishing for survival. Fishing is the second-largest work activity after agriculture and provides employment to millions of citizens in Myanmar. Most of the produce is consumed in Myamnar with only 8% percent is exported. Some communities in Myanmar have reported figures among the world’s highest consumption of fish in the world at 56 kilos per year.

Added impetus for the assistance was driven by the urgent need to improve fish farming productivity and sustainable management of natural stocks, upon which so many rely. A series of working seminars were organised to review steps to improve stocks and take into account local expertise of fishermen and the needs of fishing communities.

A plan will be developed and once ratified by the Danish Authorities, is expected to start in Spring 2017, and will focus on the regions of Rakhine State and the Tanintharyi Region.

Denmark has international experiences on fisheries co-management in 22 countries including Myanmar. In 2013 Denmark gave 0.85% of its gross national income to official development assistance (ODA) in 2013, totalling US$ 2.9 billion.

The Ministry of agriculture, irrigation and livestock and regional fisheries departments will also review current regulations and review surveillance in restricted fishing areas. It is also envisaged that improvements on yield, price, processing and transport will be delivered, which will add further to quality.

This project is further evidence of improvement in all areas of commerce and geography across Myanmar. Pace is steadily increasing across the board and is the clear and consistent message of growing prosperity. Do not hesitate to contact us to discuss how your company can share in the growing opportunities in food production, construction, technology, production and service industries within this booming economy.


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