Aung San Suu Kyi – proposed appointment to post similar to Prime Minister, Myanmar.

In our blogs we have always remained supremely confident about the opportunities in the rapidly growing economy of Myanmar. We recently reported that U Htin Kyaw was appointed the new president, the first elected civilian leader in over 50 years. The NLD leader Aung San Suu Kyi, constitutionally barred from being President in name, was confirmed with various roles. (She has been reported as saying she will rule by proxy. U Htin Kyaw is a long term proven friend and advisor).

New a draft bill has is before the Government for her appointment as “state counselor”. This role will be similar to a post of Prime Minister and would authorise access to all matters in the Government. She is already in charge of foreign affairs, the president’s office, energy and electric power and education. The military retain a quarter of the seats in the Government.

This detailed initiative is to develop a “multi-party democratic system…the economy…the building of a federal union…and peace and development of the Union”.
If you have been waiting for political developments to be your green light to invest in Myanmar then this is clearly the news for you.

We have reported on huge profits growth in land prices, especially in regions closely linked to Aung San Suu Kyi as well as growing investment numbers and new companies entering Myanmar. This news confirms the influence of Aung San Suu Kyi across Myanmar. This will boost confidence, investments and further accelerate the economy via overseas and national investors, the Government and joint ventures.

FocusCore are strategically based in Myanmar to provide you with on the ground advice and world class corporate services. We have national and international staff in our support teams, qualified specialists, a broad network of local contacts and extensive contacts in the Government ministries. Come on in and join us in Myanmar and take the first step now by calling us direct on +959 259 104 411 or email on the link below.


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